Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lauren Turns Eight!

March 30th, 2013 is Lauren Ann's 8th birthday. She is such a JOY. She makes us laugh with her dramatic facial expressions and the way she can cross her eyes. This eye trick is a little scary and a little funny. 

She is very loving and sensitive, and showing love for others comes naturally to her. Lauren is also inquisitive and often overwhelms her family with questions. She is such a gift and I am so thankful I get to be her mother. 

These two pictures are side-by-side on my refrigerator. The picture on the left was taken Lauren's first night as a Cubbie in our new church in PA. She was only three years old. The picture on the right was taken just a couple weeks ago. My, how she's grown the 4.5 years we've been here. 

Lauren loves to act and was a princess in a recent play she put on with her brother and sister in our home. She just finished a session of acting classes, which she thoroughly enjoyed and cannot wait for the next session to begin.

Lauren also likes to help out in the kitchen. I can still hear her little toddler voice say, "Mommy, I help you?" 

Today I wish my Lauren Ann a very happy birthday. I pray she always has a heart which overflows with love for God and others. And may she continue to grow in the grace and knowledge of her Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18).  

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Not my will, but Your will be done

 The Gospel of Mark 14:22-24, 32, 26
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take it; this is my body." Then he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, and they all drank from it. "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many," he said to them ... They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to his disciples, "Sit here while I pray" ... "Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. yet not what I will, but what you will." 

May I be like Jesus and always lift my cup up to the Lord and say "not what I will, but what You will." Jesus was willing to pour out his life completely. He was obedient to the point of death. Who am I to say "no" to God when He asks me to walk across the street to talk to my neighbor or help someone in need? Lord, not my will, but Your will be done. 

photo credit: bigmalakili via photopin cc

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Holy Week Reflections

In many evangelical churches the focus is on Palm Sunday (the joyful and triumphant entry of Christ into Jerusalem) and Resurrection Sunday (Jesus' triumph over death). We (the church) often ignore the last supper, the powerful time of prayer in the garden, Judas' kiss of betrayal, Peter's denial, the arrest, the trials and beatings, and even the crucifixion. This Holy Week, I am trying to be different. May I remember the great price Christ paid for my salvation and never forget. Sometimes we have to push through the hard and painful events in order to truly appreciate the beautiful gifts.

photo credit: abcdz2000 via photopin cc

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Some Widows Struggle to Survive

Widows in South Asia are often blamed for the deaths of their husbands, abandoned by family, and left struggling to survive. Widows often turn to either begging, digging through trash for food, or prostitution to support themselves and any children they may have. Widows in South Asia are left in a desperate and hopeless situation, but you have the opportunity to give them hope and help them rise above their devastating circumstances by supporting a Gospel for Asia woman missionary. In this culture, it is crucial for women to reach out and minister to other women, especially these widows. Gospel for Asia has trained women and many are on the field serving now, but still awaiting sponsorship. Will you please sponsor one of Gospel for Asia's Women missionaries so they can reach out and minister to the widows who desperately need the hope, love, and peace found in Jesus Christ alone.

Please click here to read one widow's story and how a Gospel for Asia missionary ministered to her during her great time of need.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Drama Class Fun

My youngest daughter recently chose to enroll in a drama class and she had so much fun. For a few weeks she went to class and learned folk songs and folk tales and how to act them out. On the last day of class, they held a special performance. They sang a few folk songs and then acted out three separate folk tales. Lauren played the part of a sleeping momma sheep and she shined! The drama teachers are going to take  a short break while their son plays some soccer this spring, but hope to start up another class very soon and I do believe Lauren will want to enroll again. The day of the performance, I just couldn't take my eyes of my youngest child. She was so happy and her smile never left her face. I love babies and toddlers, but I am also loving this stage of parenting as I watch all three of my children find their interests and talents. So far we have a drummer, a pianist and poet, and now an actress.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Green Smoothie for the Whole Family

I have been very curious about green smoothies for a while now, but very afraid to try one. One day this past week I decided to give this one a try (I found it over at Pinterest, of course). While I was blending one up for myself all three children were making all sorts of fake barfing noises (I know, we're a gross bunch) and they were kind of psyching me out. When everything was nice and liquefied  I poured it into my glass and leerily took my first sip and it was delicious. I convinced the children to take a sip and they immediately begged me to make one for them and so I did. The recipe can be found at a cool blog called Iowa Girl Eats.

I made a few modifications to work with the ingredients I had.
I used plain Greek yogurt (instead of vanilla) and added a little vanilla and honey. I also used cow's milk because coming from a long line of dairy farmers, I would just be made fun of if I used something called "almond milk." However, I do know almond milk is wonderful for people who are lactose intolerant, but I am thankful I am not.

I was feeling pretty confident with my green smoothie making skills and decided to make another one the next day. Let's just say it was not as good and that's all you need to know about that.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Learning About Bats

We are still working our way through Apologia's Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day and are currently learning about bats. It has been a couple years since we enjoyed a "Magic School Bus" book and I thought my youngest daughter would especially enjoy it, so we read through the book in a couple days before we started digging into our Apologia science lessons. I found this free bat coloring page and had the children label the parts of a bat. However, when the children started working on it, they realized it was missing a finger, but they easily drew it on themselves.

What are you studying in your science lessons right now? We are getting very excited about spring and anticipating some fun nature walks and studies very soon!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Orphan Care

According to the National Human Rights Commission, 45,000 children go missing each year in India. Some are abducted and then sold into the labor force or sex trade industry, while others are sold to families to work as domestic help. Gospel for Asia is trying to help these children through the Delhi Street Children's Home and their Bridge of Hope programs. Some children are not abducted, but rather abandoned (parents abandon them by choice or by death), which leaves them vulnerable as prey for human sex trafficking, gang violence, or a life of extreme loneliness and poverty. 

James 1:27 says, Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world defile you. How are you caring for orphans today? If you answer this question with, "I am not caring for orphans" then I encourage you to investigate Gospel for Asia and their ministries because 100% of what you give goes directly to the field to help these children in need. Next week I will share how you can partner with Gospel for Asia in caring for widows.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Keep in Step

This is the passage of Scripture the Lord placed upon my heart today and I am praying this Scripture not only for myself, but for someone very special in my life right now. I hope this Word will bless you today just as it has blessed and encouraged me this morning. 

Lord, help me to keep in step with YOU. I do not want to run ahead of You or lag behind, but my heart's desire is to keep in step with You – Your ways, Your plans, and Your timing. In the precious name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Poetry Celebration

For the third year in a row, Kaitlyn has won an award for her poetry. For 25 years the Martin Library has hosted this wonderful poetry contest for students in grades 1-12 and they were pleading last night with parents and educators to continue teaching and supporting creativity and the arts. Sadly, many in the room last night know this may be a hard fight as priorities are shifting more and more from reading and writing creative things like poetry in a classroom to reading only things that will prepare students to take tests.

York City's Poet Laureate told a story about asking a room full of small children if they loved to dance, paint, or write and all the little children raise their hands enthusiastically. However, by the time the same group of children reach college, very few will raise their hands because somehow along the way they have stopped dancing, painting, and writing. Why? Is it not "cool" anymore? Were they not encouraged? Did they get so busy that they stopped noticing the beautiful and lovely world they live in?

Each year I leave this poetry celebration thankful for creativity and the power of words to express thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. May we never stop creating and we know that creativity comes in many more forms than just poetry.

Here is Kaitlyn's award-winning poem.

A Brother

A brother is someone you love deep down
But whenever you see him
You just want to frown
A brother is someone who likes to tease you
A brother seems to NEVER please you
This is how a brother expresses his love
In the most annoying way
But if I had to vote for my brother to go or stay
Believe it or not I would vote
I don't know if I could live if my brother went away

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Philippians 2

I shared last month how I teach a Bible study the first Friday of every month in my home. We are working our way through the book of Philippians. Of course all of God's Word is applicable to the home educating mother, but there is so much good stuff in the second chapter of Philippians since its main theme is about humility and thinking of the needs of others above and before our own. I find I am the most weary when I get focused on myself, rather than lovingly and humbly serving my family. There is much freedom and peace when I choose to live out verses 3-5. Lord, help us all to have the same attitude as Christ Jesus. Help us to lovingly consider others and their needs above our own and may we do nothing out of selfishness. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Christian Unity and Christ’s Humility - Philippians 2:1-11
Verses 1-4 Describes how we as believers should act.

  • Unity + Humility = Christ-loving church (There is no unity apart from humility)
    • Reasons why Christians should have greater unity 1) encouragement in Christ, 2) Comfort of Christ’s love, 3) Fellowship in the Spirit, 4) Show tenderness and compassion (vs. 1-2). Paul is saying if you have these things (and all believers do, then we should be unified.
  • What does humility look like (vs. 3-4)?
  • Is humility an easy character trait to possess and live out?
Verses 5-11 is the ultimate example of how to be humble. These verses give us a picture of Christ and His humility and how we should strive to be like Him.
  • What kind of attitude should we have?
  • How did Christ demonstrate a life of humility?
  • As a result of Christ’s humility, what did God accomplish through Him?
    • What do you think God could accomplish through you when you choose a life of humility over selfishness? What about a humble church body?

Shining for Jesus (Not Self)
Verses 12-13
  • Do you obey only when people are watching or do you obey when no one is watching (when no one will even notice your obedient service)?
  • What does it mean “to work out your salvation”?
    • This is not a reference to attempt to earn your salvation by works (Eph. 2:8-10), but this is referring to serving/working hard FOR Christ until the very end (death). “Salvation is not merely a gift received once for all; it expresses itself in an ongoing process in which the believer is strenuously involved” (NIV Study Bible Notes).
    • We are not driven to work out our salvation due to fear, worry, doubt, or anxiety, but rather out of our love and fear of who God is and all He has done for us.
  • And who is working in and through us anyway (vs. 13)
    • God is working in us for His good purpose (pleasure).
    • It’s never about us (prideful). It’s always about Him (humility).
Verses 14-18
  • I think it’s interesting and important to notice this passage about not complaining or arguing immediately follows the passages on humility and service to others, as well as “working out our salvation.” It’s one thing to be humble and serve, but it’s another thing to complain and argue as you serve. That just doesn’t make sense. Is it really humble service if you complain and argue as you go along?
Two more examples of humble servants (Timothy and Epaphroditus)
Verses 19- 30
  • What proof is there in your life you are a humble servant of Jesus Christ?
  • Are you more prone to look out for your own interests or the interests of others and Christ?
  • Do you strive to honor men and women who obediently serve the Lord - no matter what the cost?

In Philippians 2, we saw 4 examples of humble servants (models for ministry): Christ, Paul, Timothy, and Epaphroditus
Christ - not equal with God (v. 6), empty, slave, fully God, yet took on human nature, humble obedience, which resulted in death (v. 8).
Timothy - Show deep concern (v. 20 and 21), advance the gospel (v. 22)
Epaphroditus - soldier, messenger, messenger (v. 25), risked life (v. 30)
Paul - in prison, yet still ministering for the Lord.

Application - How does God want me to respond?
  • The thread of humility runs through this entire chapter, not just verses 3-11.
  • Am I living my life focused on myself and my desires (pride) or am I living my life focused on God and His desires (humility).