Saturday, August 31, 2013

Our Trip to the Discovery Center

August 22nd was a donation day at our local Discovery Center Museum and we thought that would be a great way to visit this fun place for the first time. We got there around 1 pm and stayed for a couple hours exploring and playing. 

My children had never seen a pinball machine before and Tyler said, "Oh, is this one of those games our ancestors used to play?" I looked at him like he was crazy and then explained how this used to be one of my favorite games to play. I don't think he picked up on how offended I was since he was inferring I'm ancient. 

The children enjoyed hanging out at the "Ag-Zibit." It was fun explaining how I remember my dad and grandpa milking cows, raising pigs, and how their Uncle Jeff works for Case International. Agriculture has deep roots in our family.

The "human bubble" was a lot of fun. The children stand on the platform, quickly pull the string to raise up the hula hoop and they are instantly covered by a humongous bubble.

Lauren's favorite activity was this cool room you could go in, dance to the music, and then see whacky images of yourself projected on the large screen.

We enjoyed our time at the Discovery Center and were thrilled some new friends shared with us the date of the special donation day so we could go check it out.

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