Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Momma on a Mission, Day 3

We spent the past three weeks getting up early to leave for the tennis courts by 8:20. One blessing I've received this week is the pace of a slower morning. I've enjoyed drinking 2-3 cups of coffee while I read my Bible, send messages to my husband, and catch-up with things online. Then the children and I start on our weekly chores, eat lunch, and then we get out and do whatever fun thing I have planned for us.

Today we got to go enjoy some pool time at a friend's house and we got to bring an extra kid home with us. The girls are excited to have an extra playmate as an overnight guest. T (my son) is probably happy to have a  little more time to himself since his sisters will be occupied with their friend.

This week is flying by. I still need to plan menus and make a grocery list because Friday is grocery shopping day, but I will have three awesome helpers and I hope to try and make that a fun day as well. I can get so tense on grocery shopping day, but part of this "mission" I'm on is to slow down, intentionally spend time and make memories with my children. Would you please pray for me to not lose focus on my "mission" even in the midst of a crazy, hot, and stressful grocery shopping day? 

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