This week the children and I enjoyed continuing to read "Little House in the Big Woods." We learned what Sunday was like for children during that time period, how to tap maple trees and then make syrup and sugar, how to make hasty pudding, and what Laura and Mary's first visit to a real town was like. The children all agreed that chocolate pudding is a lot better than hasty pudding.

Since we started homeschooling, we have always done a four-day-a week schedule. However, this year we are going to do some school work every other Friday. Today was the first time our children have ever done school on a Friday. Everyone did reading and math, and then we did a fun science lesson with Dad. We are using
Apologia's Flying Creatures of the Fifth Day. We made gliders to learn more about air pressure, lift, and drag. It was a lot of fun. The children decided to have Dad do all the throwing because they thought he would do it fairly. I love all this hands-on learning and the children do too! Heath said he wishes he could quit his job and stay home and teach with me all the time. That would be a blast! We have also played Uno and chess, and the children are watching an episode of NOVA Science with their Dad right now.
Last week was our first week back into our school routine and I remembered quickly how important it is for me to either use my crock pot or to do more freezer cooking. This week has been a lot easier in the
meal planning department because I planned ahead to use my crock pot a lot more and to just plan easier meals in general during the week.
I agree that meal planning is so essential! Just make the whole day go better. My vote goes for Chocolate Pudding too :) Thanks for stopping by our blog and leaving a comment!
That is a great book. We have it in our library. Did you know they are having a Little House on the Prarie marathon this weekend on the Hallmark channel? We have watched some of them to go along with our studies about Prarie's. It would be great to use with yours to maybe. :) I don't always use tv in school but this seems to fit and I kind of that show anyway. :)
We love Apologia's elementary science books, too. All the hands-on stuff about one topic for a year is just magnificent! It's great that your husband can sometimes participate in the homeschooling.
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