Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Women in Asia Need Your Help

It is no surprise the suicide rate among women in Asia is incredibly high when young girls are abducted and forced into a life of prostitution, widows are blamed for their husband's deaths and looked at as a curse, and every year more than 7,000 women are burned to death by their husbands simply because their dowry was insufficient.

There is hope for these women though and that hope is in Jesus Christ alone. There are dedicated Gospel for Asia missionaries working hard to reach these hurting and hopeless women to share with them the only One who offers true hope - Jesus. For $30 each month you can support a Gospel for Asia missionary so more hurting women in Asia can be saved.

Please take less than three minutes and watch the video so you can SEE the work that needs to be done in Asia in order to save more women not only from suicide, but from an eternity in Hell if they die without knowing Jesus personally.


Susanelizabeth said...

Bruce(husband) and I just posted this on our FB walls. We just sponsored our first missionary and we are so excited. I am studying all I can about the area she resides, the food they eat, dress, etc. I want to partner with her in as many ways as I can.

Nikki said...

Thank you so much for sharing on your FB wall. Gospel for Asia is a wonderful ministry and I believe more believers need to be made aware so they can pray and give to this ministry.