Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Went to a Funeral Today

I have been thinking a lot about my Momma lately and missing her like crazy. October 15th would have been her 69th birthday and today I attended a funeral for a 55-year-old woman who left behind three children and her firstborn grandson. My mom and this woman both battled cancer and like everyone, I hate cancer. However, I am thankful for the peace and hope I have in knowing that even though cancer robs many of a long life, these two women were rescued by their Savior, Jesus Christ.

I went to a funeral today
and it made me think of you
and how cancer robbed me of you
just like it robbed
this family of their momma too.

I went to a funeral today
and it made me think of you
and how I'm thankful Jesus
saved and healed you
just like He saved and healed
this family's momma too.

Would you please take a moment and lift up the Goddard family in prayer?

Joy in Him,


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