Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Biblical Worldview Resource from Apologia

I am always very excited when I have the opportunity to review any of Apologia's products and I was not disappointed with the 2nd volume of the What We Believe Series, "Who Am I? And What Am I Doing Here?" 

Here are the titles of the eight lessons included in this Biblical Worldview of Self-Image Study:
Lesson 1: What are we doing here?
Lesson 2: What will you make today?
Lesson 3: What's on your mind?
Lesson 4: Can you trust your feelings?
Lesson 5: Will you choose wisely?
Lesson 6: How will you run the race? 
Lesson 7: What kind of fruit are you growing?
Lesson 8: Who do you think you are?

Each lesson follows this structure:
The Big Idea - Simply states the main idea of the lesson and reviews ideas previously learned. 
What You Will Do - States the learning objectives.
Short Story - These stories help children see a worldview in action.
Think About It - Questions to challenge children to think deeply.
Words You Need to Know - Important vocabulary words.
Hide It in Your Heart - Scripture is quoted throughout the entire book, however, each lesson pulls out two key verses for memorization.
Integrated Learning - Articles are shared to help children pursue different ideas and concepts discussed in the lessons such as art, math, science, history, and more. 
What Should I Do? - Simply having knowledge isn't enough. This section challenges children to take action and live their lives differently based upon the lessons they've learned.
Prayer - A prayer is shared acknowledging God and giving thanks. Of course these can be read or adapted as any family sees fit. 
Worldviews in Focus - This section helps children understand why other people believe what they do. 
What's the Difference - These discussion questions allow children to discuss in a non-judgmental way their own worldview with the one shared in Worldviews in Focus.
House of Truth - A hands-on memory aid to use as a visual model.
I have used the MP3 CD with each lesson. Any time I have the chance to use an audio CD - I do! I read aloud a lot to my children, and my voice really appreciates the break! I would set up my laptop and the children and I would listen to it while we ate lunch and then we'd work on any writing projects or assignments given once we were finished. I love all the Scripture given in this study as well as the short stories which allow children to take a glimpse into the lives of children (about their same age) whom have different worldviews. This is an easy curriculum to add into your day and it is FULL of wonderful Truth. The lessons are broken up into very attainable sizes. The recommendation is to work through small sections of each lesson a couple days each week.

This coloring book is a perfect addition to this curriculum if you have younger learners in your home. 

Pricing and Ordering Information:
Textbook: $39.00
Notebook Journal: $24.00
Listening CD: $19.00
Coloring Book: $8.00
The only thing required to do this study is the textbook, all other items are optional. However, the notebook journal, listening CD, and coloring book (if you have younger learners) are all excellent and will help make the teacher's job a lot easier. 
This product is recommended for 6-14 year olds. 

To read more TOS Crew member's reviews click over to the blog to do so. 

*Disclaimer: I received all these products free for review purposes only. All opinions are my own.*

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