One day last week, we enjoyed the beautiful spring weather and went on a couple of nature walks. We collected various wildflowers and decided it would be fun to try making our own flower presses. My girls were very excited about this and had no idea you could preserve flowers in this way. My boy enjoyed spending time out in nature with us, but had no interest in pressing flowers with us. I found
this video on how to make your very own flower press. The girls and I watched it together, got our supplies, and began working.
The girls decorated covers for their flower presses so we would know which one belongs to them.
Then they placed their flowers and leaves on the copy paper, folded the paper over, put it inside our presses, and now we wait. I've read the flowers may be ready in 7-10 days, and I've also read it may take 2-3 weeks. Have you ever pressed flowers before? If so, how long do you wait before taking a peek to see if they're ready?
I took the flower presses and put them all under something heavy.
Supplies Needed for this fun project:Cardboard
Copy Paper
Rubber Bands
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