Monday, September 28, 2009

Menu Plan Monday ~ September 28

This is what's for dinner this week:

Monday: Pulled Pork in the crockpot, coleslaw, and baked beans

Tuesday: Leftovers

Wednesday: Biscuits and gravy

Thursday: Cheeseburger Joes and Tots

Friday: Homemade Pizza

Saturday: Cavatini, salad, and homemade French bread

Sunday: Leftovers (if there aren't any leftovers, we'll have tacos)


margaret mcsweeney said...


Thanks for reading my post on (in)Courage. I enjoyed visiting your blog and getting some menu ideas!

God bless,

margaret mcsweeney

Ammy said...

What's cavatini? I'm assuming pasta...

Nikki said...

Ammy, cavatini is basically a pasta bake w/ pepperoni...that's the best way I can describe it.
It has meat sauce, pasta, and pepperoni.