Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Gift of Travel

My mother-in-law has given me a gift in honor of her 50th birthday. She invited me and her daughter to sail away to the Caribbean with her for 7 whole days.

I am used to leaving my family for mission trips, home education conferences, and conferences for pastor's wives, but I have never been away from home for so long just for pure fun and enjoyment. I feel a little guilty (I think some call this "mom guilt.") I have the fridge and freezer packed full of options and also some  homemade chocolate chip cookies. I haven't done these things because I believe my husband is incapable of cooking for our children, but I just want to bless my family while I'm away.

I have some daily lesson plans and copies made to make things easier on my husband while I'm away, but he's already informed me he has some lesson plans of his own and I just love that! I am so thankful I am not in this home education gig alone. He is a wonderful partner in all areas of my life.

I have three little surprises for the children to open on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday while I'm gone. They are not large gifts, but simple things just to let them know how much I love and miss them.

So, if you've stumbled upon this little blog post of mine would you please pray for good health, safe travels, and on time flights so we can be reunited again on Saturday, January 28th around 7:10p.m.? Thank you.

1 comment:

Erika said...

How exciting! Have a great trip. It's obvious how much you love your family by making sure they're well-taken care of while you're away. :)