A few weeks ago our AWANA club had crazy hat night. Some kids buy crazy hats, but my girls wanted to create their own crazy hats. So, they found some hats in their dress-up drawer and we pulled out some items from our craft supplies and the hot glue gun and I let them have some fun!
Both of my girls really enjoy AWANA. Do your children participate in AWANA or another similar activity at church?
I wish. Our church doesn't do AWANAS. :(
Just joined your blog! (I'm new to Molly's Home Team.) My hubby is in the ministry, too! We don't have Awanas, but I have been teaching Bible Drill for 4th-6th graders going on 4 years. I love it!!
Bible drill sounds like a lot of fun! Any method of getting God's Word into our hearts and minds is a powerful thing!
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