Friday, September 30, 2011

Money Saving Secrets of the Amish by Lorilee Craker

Lorilee Craker's "Money Saving Secrets of the Amish" is a fun and enjoyable read. Craker writes in a very conversational style which I actually enjoy. In this book you will not only learn secrets from the Amish, but Craker also shares how her own family have put some money saving secrets in action and reaped the benefits. Our nation could learn a lot from the quiet and humble Amish society. The main lesson is to not spend money unless you have the money to spend. One of my favorite quotes from the book came from an Amish boat cover maker named Andy, " Use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without." Honestly, everything in this book is common sense, but these secrets have been lost in our materialistic society. Thanks to Craker, the secrets are now out and we should be wise, listen up and get busy simplifying! Would you like to learn how to stretch your money, live more simply, save, and share with others? If so, I recommend this book. It is a quick read and is available in paperback or Kindle form. I actually read this book on my laptop using a free download called Kindle for the PC.

Disclaimer: I received this book free of charge From BookSneeze for review purposes only. All opinions are my own.

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