Friday, January 22, 2010

Saxon factsfirst ~ TOS Crew Review

Factsfirst is an online subscription math practice program. Children will be able to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Factsfirst is being distributed by Saxon, but it supplements any math curriculum nicely. The children have an opportunity to create their very own character before they begin their lessons and games. (This is one of my children's favorite parts of this program).

The lessons are fun, interactive, real-world lessons that capture the children's attention.

After the lessons, and they've practiced their math facts, AND taken a quiz, they EARN the PRIVILEGE of playing arcade games for 5 minutes. They are playing games, but they are STILL learning math (I love this sneaky type of learning....)

Below is a picture of what is called the math facts matrix. It shows both you and your child the facts they've mastered and the ones they still need to practice. Parents can get on the site anytime to look at a chart of their child's progress.

My 7-year-old daughter has this to say about Factsfirst, "They make the lessons fun. I like the tests because when you're done you get to play a game."

This is what my 8-year-old son has to say about Factsfirst, "I love doing the speed timings and the games after the quizzes."

Let me clarify what my son means by "the speed timings," Once your child types in his answer and hits the enter button they are given a check mark with a plus sign if they answered it quickly AND correctly. If they answered it slowly and correctly they get a plain check mark without the plus. My son is motivated and encouraged when he gets a check plus mark. The parent can go in and adjust the timing that's allowed for your child to get a check plus.

This program is working for my children. They like the lessons before they move on to practice their math facts. They like the encouragement of the fun sound they hear when they get a check plus for answering a problem quickly and correctly. They enjoy the 5 minute arcade times they earn after taking a quiz. I love hearing my children say, "I'm going to do another lesson, so I can play the arcade games one more time!"

Pricing Information:
A one year subscription costs $49.99 for up to four children.
If you would like to see a demo on how this program works, click here.
Click here for more ordering information.

To read more reviews from TOS Crew members, please go to the TOS Crew Blog!

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