Saturday, December 12, 2009

An 8-year-old's Insights

My 8-year-old son has been reading through the New Testament portion of his Young Readers Bible. As we focus on the Savior's birth during this time of year, it has been very fitting for him to read through these familiar passages. At the close of each day's reading, I have been tremendously blessed by his comments.

When my son read the part where the Inn was full in Bethlehem, his Bible said the Innkeeper said he was sorry. He stopped and said, "Well, at least he was sorry. I bet he was a nice man."

The next part he read was about the heavenly host announcing to the shepherds that Jesus was born! It described the scene while they were out in their fields, how they ran to worship baby Jesus, and when they left they were praising God and telling everyone about Jesus. My son said, I bet those shepherds never want that night to end."

The next day he read to me about the three wise men and how King Herod wanted them to return to him and tell them where they found the King of the Jews. King Herod told the wise men that he wanted to know this so he could go and worship the newborn king. My son stopped at this part and said, "King Herod was trying to trick the wise men. He didn't want to worship Jesus, he wanted to kill him!"

Remember the story about Jesus going with his family to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover and he stayed behind? My son read to me how the priests were amazed at all the knowledge and insight Jesus had at such a young age. My son said, "Those priests were so amazed with Jesus when he was young. I wonder if they were the same priests who hated him and wanted him killed when he was all grown up?"

I look forward to all the insights my son will share with me this week as he reads God's Word aloud to me!

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