Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lottie Moon Offering

Every Christmas, Southern Baptist Churches everywhere take up the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering! Dh and I always pray about what the Lord would want our family to give. Today, I was cleaning up our bedroom, and noticed the little decorative box on top of our dresser that holds all our loose change. I asked the children to come and help me count the money. I thought it would be a great idea to take this loose change and add it to our family's offering. After we were done counting all the coins, we prayed over it, and asked the Lord to bless the missionaries that would benefit from the money.

My 5yo dd's prayer went something like this, "Dear Jesus, please be with all the missionaries as they go from place to place to preach." My 6yo ds prayed for the missionaries to have plenty of Bibles to give to people. My 2yo dd thanked God for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph (can you tell she's been learning about the birth of Christ?).

In no way, am I recommending ONLY giving God your loose change, but I do wonder how much money we have lying around that we don't even realize? Check under your couch cusions, ashtray in your car, the floor boards of your car, washing machines/dryer, etc... Why not get a jar to place in your kitchen and collect your loose change throughout the year? You will be surprised how quickly those pennies, nickles, dimes, and quarters add up! Perhaps next Christmas you could give more to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering (or similar offering in your church), or help a needy family in your community?

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