Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3/4 Book Report Books

This week the children finished reading Om-Kas-Toe by Kenneth Thomasma, and that means book report time. The children made a Three Fourths Book and we used it as a format for the book report. I found directions over at one of Jimmie's lenses on how to make the books.

On the front cover I had the children write the title and author of the book, and draw an illustration.

On page one the children wrote down the main characters of the book, and on page two they wrote down what Indian tribe the children belonged to.

On page three the children wrote down something they learned while reading this book.

You can probably tell from the drawings that I have one child who really likes to draw and color, but just because my other child doesn't draw as much or have a more colorful book doesn't mean his book report is not as good. He did a good job listening, following instructions, and writing down his information in complete sentences. However when he looks at his sister's work he sometimes gets discouraged. I saw that look in his eyes this week, and I took the opportunity to bless him with encouragement. My little guy thrives on words of affirmation, and I don't want him to think he has to compare himself to others all the time. God made him fearfully and wonderfully and as long as he works hard and does his best - that's all I can ask for!


Unknown said...

Saw your tweet! Fantastic book reports. We really liked that book too.

Nikki said...

Jimmie, there would be very little creativity in our homeschool if I had never found your blog and your squidoo lenses. I am grateful!